Ice Fire Warriors [IFW]

CEOBahamut420Tax rate0.025000000372529%

Alliance history

Ice Fire WarriorsInfinite Pew2021-10-10 16:412024-02-04 20:572 years, 3 months, 25 days, 4 hours and 16 minutes
Ice Fire WarriorsWild Geese.2021-04-15 03:582021-10-10 16:415 months, 25 days, 12 hours and 43 minutes
Ice Fire WarriorsNullSechnaya Sholupen2019-02-13 04:252021-04-15 03:582 years, 2 months, 1 day, 23 hours and 33 minutes
Ice Fire WarriorsWild Geese.2018-02-08 05:052019-02-13 04:251 year, 4 days, 23 hours and 20 minutes
Ice Fire WarriorsShadow Cartel2017-02-22 00:462018-02-08 05:0511 months, 17 days, 4 hours and 19 minutes
Ice Fire WarriorsEscalating Entropy2016-05-04 03:442017-02-22 00:469 months, 17 days, 21 hours and 2 minutes
Ice Fire WarriorsSnuffed Out2014-11-08 17:262016-05-04 03:441 year, 5 months, 25 days, 10 hours and 18 minutes
Ice Fire WarriorsLate Night Alliance2012-02-02 05:542014-11-08 17:262 years, 9 months, 6 days, 11 hours and 32 minutes
Hello SpaceBoat Captain!! IFW is one of the premier North Amercian & Australian Time Zone LowSec PVP Corps, formerly part of Late Night Alliance, Snuffed Out, Escalating Entropy and Shadow Cartel.

Join us in our Pub Chat:Ice Fire Warriors Pub

*** Disclaimer: We are NBSI Everywhere. This means we can and will shoot you in and around the face area ***

Want to know More?!
Watch us try and suicide ex-doctrine Battleships and insured caps into SC and end up wiping the floor with them...
Watch us destroy the TEST team in Alliance Tournament 11... and as an added bonus, Punchy dies!!

What is IFW?
Khrias > IFW isn't really a corp, it's just a thinktank for assholes.
Dohl Khrensen > We PvE Together, We PvP Together. IFW 4 Lyfe.
Bahamut420 > I bring you war. I am a river unto my people.
Predator Elite > fuck ifw, they have ruined everything and they started the whole "derp is pred backwards" thing. i hate them.

Who is IFW?
CEO and Fearless Leader of the IFW: Bahamut420
Co-CEO, Lead FC and Primary USTZ Contact:Gritz1
For Spanish, Press: Pel Ukken



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